Lesley and Maggie Anne led us efficiently through the morning’s business a précis of which I include here. The full version will be available in Messages for Members
Lesley mentioned in her report the sad loss over the summer of Irene, a founder member, and Hilary.
Liz has also moved house. This leaves three vacancies, and three new members will be joining us shortly.
The Summer Programme included a variety of venues old and new, all appreciated, presenting different challenges (no mention of the weather) and thanks must go to the programming committee for their hard work. Those of us who enjoy Plein air painting would really appreciate a bit more company, it’s much more enjoyable working outdoors when you are with a group of friends, so next year why not give it a try?
Ian reported that our finances were in a healthy position. The workshops that ran last winter had broken even, and although they were expensive to run enough members participated to keep the costs down.
The winter programme starts next week *see note at the end of the blog
and includes three professional workshops and three themed sessions led sessions by members.
( any suggestion for next summer sketching, or next winter workshops welcome )
Our annual summer exhibition at the United Reformed Church was disappointing. The exhibition sub committee have come up with some suggestions and as a result in June we will be participating in Suffolk Open Studios, and the Eye Open Gardens - more details to follow.
Thanks must go to Lesley and all the members of the committee for the hard work and commitment that goes into making the Guild such a successful group keeping it solvent and interesting, and for keeping us on our toes. The rather formal title belies the vibrant and successful group that it is and on a personal note, the kindness and compassion that has made what could have been a horrible year for me more bearable.
she has also dipped her toes into abstract painting, not her natural element, but with her teacher’s hat on has told herself ‘not to be so narrow minded’ and this is the result.
You see - this is the fun of Plein air sketching in a nutshell.

- And finally, please note
- Starting next week, a slight change…
- the session will start at 10.00
- coffee first
- painting starts at 10.30 and continues until 12.15, there will be no half time coffee break!
- this is to allow for an uninterrupted time to focus on your painting.
- we will stop at 12.15 for a short critique.
- Please see full notes accompanying Winter Timetable
Next week’s blogger is Hannah.