This is a late addition to yesterday's blog, sent initially to Hannah who is out of touch, then to me (Noreen)
Hello everyone - this is Noreen back on the blog as Hannah has not been able to get fully connected up again yet after her move last week. I’m sure we all wish her well in her new home and that BT will come up to scratch soon. How lucky we’ve been with the weather, so much warmer and some sunshine. However, it seems that instead of lots of you being outdoors painting, some of you have been outdoors working on your gardens, preparing for spring. The identity of last week’s mystery portrait has been revealed: it’s Sally L expressing her frustration with trying to do a self-portrat. Frances guessed it, which you will have seen if you clicked on the comment. By the way, it was great to see Les Bragg on Zoom this morning, even if the picture did freeze from time to time and Les himself wandered away. I don't think the audio was working properly. I do hope he can get technical issues sorted and come back again.
I think it was probably Hannah’s turn to propose items to inspire next week’s painting. Have made a quick last minute collection of photos or, as usual, do your own thing. Have a good week everybody! Noreen This should really be titled 16th February, as that is when I am compiling it, rather early, as I am moving on Friday, and I think Thursday might be a bit busy! Thank goodness the snow has finally gone, beautiful as it is to look at, even venturing down the road to the post box was hazardous with sheet ice and packed snow. Finally this morning, thank goodness, all the garden stuff that is coming with us is visible - It would have been quite hard to dig it all out for the removers. Some eggcellent chicken-themed work from Avril. The first is white gouache on black paper in different scales, and the second is a linoprint. (She says it's facing a different direction because she forgot to turn the tracing over.) Lesley took photos when walking locally in the snow, and these chalk pastel drawings are the result. From Jackie, two pictures relating to last week's work, and a self portrait. She is now planning an oil painting. Also from Sally P. here is your inspiration for the week. She has decided to give you some portraiture practice, and this picture is 'Especially for Les...', then I think, remembering last week, that this is Ginger Rogers the chicken, a still life and sheep in the snow. Is it me being a townie, or are there more sheep out early this year than usual? Good variety, thank you Sal. Larger files below for downloading.
And finally, a newsletter from Sally P. Dear All, Hello again. I hope that you have all survived the snow and cold spell. I for one, enjoyed walking to the local shop for a paper each morning, taking loads of photos with idea that one day I might paint from one. Then I think paint snow! And that’s the end of that! Due to the continuing Coronavirus situation the committee arranged, with the kind help of Rev. Richard Court, to hold a zoom meeting to discuss the way ahead. The pandemic meant that we were unable to hold the AGM in October as per normal. With this in mind, we, the committee, are prepared to remain in post for the year. If you have any queries regarding this or wish to object please could you let one of us know. It was unanimously decided that due to the pandemic and our healthy finances that NO SUBSCRIPTION would be required for this year. Please could you make sure that you let the membership secretary ( Harriet) have your up to date address, telephone/ mobile no. and email if you have changed these within the last year. A working group is now planning (ever hopeful) a summer programme! They will run in the mornings and be fairly local. If you could offer a garden or suggest a venue please let Lesley Buckwell, Sally Tyler, Maggie-Anne, Jackie or me know via email or telephone ASAP. We are looking into exhibition possibilities and will let you know if and when something definite happens. The zoom meetings are going well, with over 10 people plus, logging on each week. There was some discussion as to whether the time put people off. We are considering changing the time to possibly 2.00 p.m. Could you please let us know if you would prefer this or are happy for it to remain at 12.00 noon. Thank you to Avril for hosting this event. There has been an increase in numbers looking at the blog which is good to hear. The work produced and sent in is a joy to look at and the photos for inspiration have been a great help. It’s one of the highlights of the week to log in and see what everyone has been doing. So thank you to Hannah for all the hard work of putting it together. Sadly, I was contacted by an ex-member of the group who informed me that another ex- member, Jan Keene, had passed away after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer in November. Several of you may have known her from The Bank or the life classes held by Sue in Scole. The EAG sent a letter of condolence. It was mentioned by one of our committee members that there is someone willing to sit for a zoom life drawing session/ sessions, running for an hour. If you are interested please could you let us know. The model would invite us using her zoom. It would not be tutored. Lastly, I do hope you are all managing to have a go at producing a self portrait 8” x 8” for our project. There has been much hilarity on zoom regarding this project and some rather splendid pictures shown both on zoom and in the blog. Could you please send them to me by April 2nd the latest. If you wish to have your masterpiece returned please let us know. As the original can be scanned and a copy used for the final piece. Finally, I do hope you are all keeping well. Many of you will have been vaccinated by now and I hope that it went well. Some of us have a bit longer to go..... oh to be so youthful ;-) Looking forward to seeing you sometime in the not too distant future. Sally P. PS from Noreen
Here is a late addition from Maggie-Anne. First, a quick request for those who have work for the blog next week. Please could you try to get it to me by Tuesday, so I can compile the page before I lose the internet in the moving process. Noreen will then make the page 'live' on Thursday. Second, The Zoom meetings have been very enjoyable, but we have been wondering whether some of you haven't been joining us because you find the timing awkward. The proposal is that we change it to 2pm on a Thursday, giving you time to get some art done in the morning, have a leisurely lunch, and then join us! Please let Sally P. know what you think of this suggestion. Here is your inspiration for the week, courtesy of Avril, who says; 1. I thought the shape would be good for abstracts and challenging pencil work. 2. The woodturning shapes have lovely grain. 3. This one is interesting as the reflection from the window was quite a surprise So we have Avril as well as a figure model in this last one. [I do think we are getting great contrast in these inspirational photos, from week to week! Bigger versions of these images available to download below.
That icy puddle from last week was a great catalyst for some fantastic work this week. Here is the first group, from Frances. 1. Acrylic and charcoal 2 . Yupo Plastic paper, Art Graf and ink. 3. Watercolour and wax crayons. Diana got inspired, too. She asked me to thank you all for having a go at her photos, and said, 'This time I started with Sally’s icy puddle . Quink splodge underneath then did oil pastel ,old gelli print for collage and magazine collage.' And then Sally L. produced both a 'puddle detail' and a 'frosty track'. Sally P's used pen and ink/ watercolour for a portrait of Ginger Rogers, one of her Chickens. Then she decided to look at an old photo of a Petri dish sample and used Gelli print collage to produce a picture. These three work really well together as a group. And there is more than an echo again of the icy puddle... Avril went with a combination of the hat from last week, posed in her drawing on a ceramic head she made earlier, and two very different self-portraits - one in oil and acrylic and the other a lino print. Jane has given us a linoprint of snowdrops and a pen and ink drawing of a tree in Mellis, that has been an ongoing picture that she has kept returning to. Harriet has been experimenting. 'I used a book with instructions for the first two, I was trying to improve /explore different techniques. The first one, the path by the sea was done using a palette knife, which is something I don't usually do. The second picture, the tulips, the instructions were much harder to follow, so I ended up doing my own thing using the picture as a guide. The third picture, frost, is my attempt from the blog images.'
6th February 2021Late addition from Frances, two oil paintings ..hellebore of some years ago and one down the Mellis Straight last month... The self portrait project has given some members their inspiration this week, and I am sure none of you will find it difficult to recognise any of the individuals involved. There was some discussion on Zoom about how to tackle wrinkles, etc. It is always disconcerting when it's your turn to sit for others on a Thursday morning, to find that your double chin and saggy neck are faithfully reproduced by those who are drawing or painting you; and worse; everyone else recognises you in those drawings! I think our inverse Dorian Gray portraits are inside our heads. Until we have to do an exercise like this, we still see ourselves as much younger than we are when we look in a mirror. Let's start, though, with some really young faces. Carolyn has been using her young neighbours as subject to practice portraiture on. She started with the pencil sketch and then printed it onto watercolour paper to enable the adding of colour. She plans to use the next month to brush up on portraiture (which she enjoys) and produce her self-portrait. Diana has made very interesting collages from her own photos of last week. Harriet's interpretation of last week's photos. Lovely, delicate colour. Avril took the alternative path of making her own still life based on the same materials. Maggie-Anne says, 'Beginning of my self portrait and as said I found it quite depressing. However I was some what cheered whilst chatting this morning it was suggested that wrinkles could be left out 'In case one was insulted' by showing them ( the truth hurts sometimes), and that actually wrinkles are just 'contours'! I may leave a few out!! And the chunky chicken is watercolour pen and ink. [Love those feet! - Hannah] You know me. Has to be an animal pic of some sort on the go. Plenty of dogs in my sketch book too.' Just some of Angela's output this week. She sent the self portrait to Noreen, who pronounced it 'Terrifying!' So I asked for a copy for us all! Sally Tyley returned to the waterlilies of a couple of weeks ago, and worked in watercolour, using the idea of glazes that was mentioned last week. Another self portrait (pencil on paper) that didn't entirely satisfy its maker, but none the less carries a good likeness. Noreen's first picture is an attempt this morning to do some hellebores. [Rather more than an attempt, and there is something very satisfying in the conjunction of the delicacy of the painting and the texture of the paper - Hannah] She says, 'The second is my first try at a self-portrait a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know if you want to put it on the blog. I think the chin is too small, or maybe the head (skull) is too big??? Will try again for the Rogue’s Gallery.' [I think that might well be a good title for the eventual collection of portraits!] From Lesley first a collage of eryngiums against a dyed background, and second the beginning of a painting of the gas works from last week. Three images from Sally L. who says, '1. I chose this frosty morning for the texture on the frozen grass 2. I’ve heightened the colour a bit on this one of icy puddles 3. Old hat. I thought that this was a bit like Sally’s shoes, everyone must have an old hat hanging about somewhere.' So use as you would like. Nothing from me this week (says Hannah). I have been busy with bubble wrap and boxes as we are on the move. We are going to Brundall, near Norwich, but you won't be getting rid of me that easily. I will still be blogging and am looking forward to when we can all meet again properly. The image below was sent by Carolyn, and gives us all the promise of spring.
feedbackYour committee strives to organise programmes and events to interest and challenge you and help you to develop your skills. It would assist them to know what you have liked or not liked, or if you have any new ideas or suggestions to put forward. Do let us know, either by speaking to committee members direct or by using the "Comments" facility on this page. Just click on Comments and a reply form will pop up. If there are previous comments, again just click to read them. Archives
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