Any dark grey, (but not black)
I found this good online company, they offer Dark grey or Anthracite grey ( both canson make)
12 sheets about £30 this included delivery I think 2 sheets each would be OK, depends on whether people have bought their own to paint from their pictures, as you mentioned, if not 2 sheets each would be good even if we didn't use it all its handy to have! (BEING PROVIDED BY THE EAG)
It's important to have a solid surface as this enables better techniques . This company offers A2 board perfect for working with pastel.
594mm x 420mm @ 3mm thickness .These are between £3.70-£5.00 each, there may be offers on that reduce this price, a great board to have for future work!
Any pastels you have, I do recommend this basic set too relatively inexpensive I often use a mixture of pastels/ multi media including this suggested set.
Inscribe 32 colours half stick can be found online between £7 - £10 (easiest option) The cheapest I found were from
Roys of Thetford £5.70 or so.
They sometimes run out as they are so popular so a visit to the store is worthwile.
Straight edge or ruler
I will provide
Pics to work from
A charcoal white pencil
Tape to fix paper down
Blu tac
I will also give out sheets of info, A simple drawing frame and pen and plenty of fun!
I think if people did 1-2 pieces where we can learn techniques it would be good, this is only a suggestion as you mentioned some would like to do their own thing at some point of the day, which I am happy to incorporate. Apron is probably a good idea