john blake, deceased 24.9.20
In the words of Jackie, "John enjoyed painting and produced some lovely work."
For some examples, see below, and read John's own words about his progression as an artist.
For some examples, see below, and read John's own words about his progression as an artist.
I started painting about nine years ago. With no formal training, I had no idea where to begin. I purchased a special offer in W H Smith's of an acrylic starter set, as that seemed to be the easiest to use for a beginner! My idea was to produce paintings good enough to hang around the house. I then discovered some evening classes organised through the Eye Arts Guild, joined and met other members. When these finished, I then went on a couple of courses run by Sylvia Philpot. I have now completed about forty paintings, exhibiting locally and selling one or two each year. I'm not good at drawing, but prefer just to paint and see what happens. I tend to look for difficult subjects, trying to learn as I go.