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A visit to Ely Cathedral way back in 1949 inspired me to start detailed cathedral drawings in pen and ink.
42 years later when faced with retirement I took up watercolour painting, gaining experience by joining a village art club. Detailed pencil work is still my favourite medium and can often be used in conjunction with watercolour wash.
Subjects: landscapes and estuary scenes in watercolour, architectural work in pencil, also steam locomotives, ships and aircraft which lend themselves to detailed pencil work.
A visit to Ely Cathedral way back in 1949 inspired me to start detailed cathedral drawings in pen and ink.
42 years later when faced with retirement I took up watercolour painting, gaining experience by joining a village art club. Detailed pencil work is still my favourite medium and can often be used in conjunction with watercolour wash.
Subjects: landscapes and estuary scenes in watercolour, architectural work in pencil, also steam locomotives, ships and aircraft which lend themselves to detailed pencil work.