We then looked at more modern works, from Bridget Riley's intertwining circles to Mondrian's rectangular black framing, also some interesting Japanese works by Horoshige. See examples, left. Our first short exercise was to draw interlocking circles and add colour to them. The second exercise was to use rectangular shapes with considered use of colour. See below. |
Frances had brought many books to demonstrate her thoughts on her subject. She first showed us some famous, realistic paintings, pointing out the way the artist had organised his work for greatest effect; she drew our attention especially to strong vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines, to extremes of light and shade, and to the careful use of colours, the same considerations you might apply to an abstract work. In our longer task the idea was not to draw the three objects we were asked to bring along, but to observe interesting shapes or patterns in them in order to make an abstract picture. Some of us were rather less successful at this than others! However, it gave us all food for thought which would apply whatever your style of work. We appreciated all the thought and effort Frances put into the preparation for her morning session. Many thanks,, Frances! Next week, if you have signed up for it, we have a workshop on pastels with Laina West - all day, so remember to bring some lunch.
Next week Frances is going to be guiding us on abstract art. Please read her brief in the Message on the website (click here). If you ever have difficulty in locating the Messages from Members page, click on the tab MORE for more menu choices.
Sally P reminded us that in our green chest at the Bowls Club there are some art boxes with useful objects we can borrow during a session, such as the hair dryer and some fixing (hair?) spray. Please be sure to return items to their appropriate boxes. A goodly number gathered today, despite the cold, the wind, and for some of us, having to drive through floods! It felt very spring-like with Rachel's choices of flowers, and she was dressed for cooking, and gave those who drew her an interesting angle or two to look at. Together with those who had brought their own interesting work in, we all got thoroughly absorbed in our work and it was a very quiet and studious atmosphere for most of the working morning! And finally, apologies to Noreen, in case anyone has wondered why she has taken so long with this today - definitely not her style! This has been Hannah, and I am afraid I got whisked off to the cinema (to see 1917, which I thoroughly recommend), and so I am late, and then of course my computer decided to act up... Hopefully all will be as it should next week, when it's Sandra's turn.
A select few members arrived for our first art session of the New Year. Were the rest still celebrating, I wonder, or recovering from their seasonal jollities?
feedbackYour committee strives to organise programmes and events to interest and challenge you and help you to develop your skills. It would assist them to know what you have liked or not liked, or if you have any new ideas or suggestions to put forward. Do let us know, either by speaking to committee members direct or by using the "Comments" facility on this page. Just click on Comments and a reply form will pop up. If there are previous comments, again just click to read them. Archives
January 2025
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