Here is Frances herself explaining -
'The idea today was to analyse composition starting with Hackney’s statement, “all painting no matter what you’re painting is abstract in that it’s got to be organised. No matter what the illusion created, it is a flat canvas and it has to be organised into shapes.”
Everyone was given a copy of a painting by a well known artist which had to be traced in terms of the lines of the composition...diagonals, verticals, horizontals and thus turned into an abstract composition using one colour with a variety of tones. This gave food for thought as to the use of lights and darks in compositions as well as shapes.
Following this some of us showed our own works with which we were dissatisfied and the group gave advice in the light of what we had been thinking about. I promise to work on my painting and hopefully bring the improved version along next week!'
Here you can see everyone hard at work.
Don't forget about the Chairman's Project - Elements - see the reminder on the Stop Press page.
It would be nice if it warmed up a bit, but I hope you all stay warm, regardless. Noreen is in charge next week, so don't forget to send your work to her.