quick late addition
And here is the work done from the still life, which you can see some of in my panorama above, but, I have failed to photograph more than the section I was drawing (!). I have, however, included that photo if anyone wants to use it for their own drawing practice. There was a consensus that the stone grapes were the most fantastic subject, so simple and yet so complex, with all that reflected light. |
And finally, from Carolyn, a drawing of logs to suggest winter warmth that we all will be hoping for, and a drawing of a hen pheasant with a story. The pheasant appears to have an injured wing, and has become habituated to running to Roy to be fed, well away from where the pigeons can get at the food! |
In three weeks time, on !0th November, there will be a Workshop on Landscape in Oils by James Power. If you are interested see the 'Messages from Members' page for further details.
Noreen will be in charge of this page next week, so send your entries to her in good time.