Firstly this week, Noreen has told me that she has added two pictures of Abbey Farm that she made on previous EAG visits to her Gallery page. You can see them HERE, full of detail and beautifully composed.
And next, Avril has taken two different aspects of what she does, two of her sculptures In front of a fabric backdrop she had made, and made a third, a drawing of them together.
Diana sends pictures of the Tour De France; 'Best 3 weeks of the year. Helicopter tour of the all the beautiful scenery of France thanks to ITV 4 every day.These two sketches were done 2 years ago from the tv screen while I was mending from my second hip op' She says.
It will be interesting to see the progress she makes, looking good so far! | From Lesley: 'My offering this week is in celebration of peppers and an aubergine I grew in my greenhouse. It’s a long time since I’ve used acrylic ink and it shows! ' A bountiful harvest, and a successful painting, I think. Sally has started an oil painting of Hoxne Village Green. She says, 'This is something that I would normally avoid. But am rising to the challenge!' |
The next outing is on 10th September to Felixstowe all day. If you are planning to go, could you let Sally P. know (phone number on Events page, along with the details for the day). I am working on an oil painting of my garden, which still has a way to go, and also a drawing of my apple harvest for which you have to wait until next week's blog. Thank you to all this week's contributors, and keep the work coming in! |