1st. Following on from last week,using double ended felt tips for the scribble, then spraying with water took 7 mins.
2nd. The same subject, (both from photos) these two are from under Stiperstones, but with added collage.
3rd. White acrylic, graphite plus felt tips sprayed with water, this one Bodmin moor.
'I tried very hard to make some mushroom linoprints, what a mess, still not mastered the technique.' Looks like she had fun trying, though...
And thanks to this Sal for the variety!
And from Lesley, 'Yesterday morning I made a start on Sally L’s landscape with sheep. No sheep yet! I am waiting for the oil to dry before I tackle them and add detail. Could take a while as the rocks are thickly applied with a palette knife and it’s quite cold in my studio, it’s only heated when I’m in it.' Don't forget to update us when the sheep are added, Lesley... |