Lesley took over today, and Richard and Les Bragg both stepped down from the committee. Avril and Frances will be joining. As Maggie-Anne was unable to come, I (Hannah) had to take the minutes; a somewhat daunting task, as I know how my attention wanders, and the doodles take over!
We also welcomed two new members, Jill and Liz. The latter some of you will know from The Bank. There was a show and tell of our favourite pieces of work from the summer, and a lot of catching up over coffee and biscuits (Thanks, Sally P, for replenishing the dark chocolate digestives that go so well with coffee!).
You will find the full Winter programme now on the Events page. Make sure you check when it's your turn, and make your own arrangements with another member to swap, if you can't do it. There are also some additional notes regarding setting up, protecting tables, etc. This year there will also be a washing up rota. Don't forget to check the 'Stop Press' for any changes that may be made to the weekly programme. Below you will find the show and tell array and a couple of additional individual pictures. |
And Carolyn sent me her favourite work from this year, Her painting for the Chairman's Project 'Movement', strongly influenced by a video from Joe Cartwright. It was very helpful using watercolour (which she doesn't do much of these days), and an inktense study of apples from this week. | |