Harriet provided a wealth of objects for the still life, many in white against a white backcloth; as we all know, painting ‘white’ tests the best of us, especially in watercolour. There were some coloured items too and a few people brought their own set-up, all resulting in some very good work. As always, some pieces are unfinished and others may be a study for a future painting. |
Please note that the Pen and Ink Workshop for 2nd April cannot now take place on that date and you will get further information about this in due course. Also the May 7 Coach trip is being postponed, possibly until Autumn.
PS Meanwhile, would anyone who has had any contact with someone suspected of maybe having Covid 19 virus and is self-isolating, please contact Sally P to let her know, so that she can inform members.
PPS (Friday) Models have now been arranged for 19th March and 2nd April.