What a beautiful portrait of June's Mothering Sunday tulip! June has painted it with pastel pencils. | I (Noreen) also had a go at the peasant woman, in acrylics, but feel I tried to go into too much detail. Probably I should have stopped the first time I said to myself, "I'll just do this one more thing"! |
Sally P is attempting a painting of her wisteria in the garden, which she has wanted to do for years, ever since seeing a large painting on 4 canvases at The Bank. She says, it is early stages yet and she has to wait for the flower heads to open to get another photo, but that shouldn't be too long as they are already about two inches long. She just hopes the frost and birds don't knock off too many of them. |
Here are Harriet's sketches for the week. 1. Bluebell wood (last week's inspiration) 2. The boat (also last week's inspiration) 3. From webcam image (Barmouth in morning light, near where they go on holiday) | |
Someone suggested trying a Zoom multi portrait and we had just started to talk about how to take a screenshot on an iPad when we ran out of time! (Press the power button and the home button at the same time. You will hear a shutter click). Hannah
That's all so far. If I receive any more today, I will add them.
Cheers, Noreen
It is so interesting to see how Frances comes up with new ideas and techniques to share with us all.