Diana is disconcerted by the tidiness shown by Avril in her shoes photo. But it has inspired Diana to draw just one of six piles of shoes around her house which have accumulated - in spite of her thinking that lockdown would have enabled her to reduce the mess! But thank you, Diana, for an excellent drawing. She adds: I know where I go wrong, when I think I am tidying up I'm just moving and rearranging piles of clothes or shoes or whatever. |
From Frances we have first her fritillaries converted into acrylic on a 5"x5" block canvas, second a sketch of tulips she had in a vase and thirdly her Minsmere oil moving along from last week, "Now awaiting some Canada geese to appear." | |
Lesley tells us, this is still a work in progress; it’s the view across the Dove Valley from Park Lane in acrylic. She mentioned at the Zoom meeting her difficulty in indicating that the foreground land slopes away, then rises beyond the river - tricky. She has taken up Frances’s suggestion of looking at Sisley’s work to see how to improve the Spring trees…. |
Finally, here are Harriet's two pictures: her blue iris is mixed media, coloured pencils and watercolour mostly), and the other, Waveney, is a sketch for an idea in oil paints. This is likely to be quite a challenge, she says. She added the birds without deciding what they were exactly, maybe geese. We look forward to seeing it. |