Some folk had already gone when I arrived but I had a wander round, was shown John's beloved oil-smelling studio, took a few photos and was promised more from Sally P. later. I had a thankfully more comfortable return journey via Cock's Road.
Sally L is on holiday and promised to send a postcard this week. Here it is: A view from the back of our hotel of what was probably at one time a rather grand house and terrace garden, now apartments. Horrible perspective challenges; too hot to concentrate. (Naples) (Perspective looks fine to me - Noreen) | Although I (Noreen) went to John's this morning, I was not able to do a painting. Here is something I did at home - another pastel painting of a view just off Lowgate Street in Eye. |
Now for the images Sally P sent in. First, she tells us twelve turned up today. Several had to go early due to other commitments but there were 6 of us that stayed for tea, cake and biscuits. John is in the first photo, on the left. After a grey and blustery morning with the threat of rain it turned out to be a gloriously sunny day by the end and we were looking for shade! |
Have a very good week.