Let's start with Jackie's photos to inspire us for our artwork next week. She has sent us four photos, an excellent selection. Of the waterscape with boat, she says, "For fans of Ronald Jesty's painting technique, this is an ideal subject." (Thanks for the hint, Jackie. I must look him up. N.)
Or as usual you can do your own thing.
Click on images to enlarge them.
Diana has referred to a holiday photo taken in 2013 for this water-soluble oil painting: Blossom on Bodmin Moor looking towards Sharp Tor. She says she enjoyed this one, and I think that shows. | I (Noreen) took up the challenge of Hannah’s bluebell wood, with this acrylic painting. Pleased to have achieved something this week! |
Carolyn has been slightly out of action this week, due to an altercation with a food processor, cutting two fingers of her right hand. Plasters to the rescue! Being such a staunch supporter of our weekly blogs however, she has still sent us her picture of the week: Roy was clearing out a bit of overgrown garden to reveal this nest and deserted clutch of eggs, possibly of a pair of mallards seen earlier on their pond. |
Sally P has done an oil painting of a flower arrangement that she created for her village flower and produce show (winning 1st prize!) She was reminded of it by Hannah’s pictures. It was labelled 3 - 2 - 1 ….. three flowers, two leaves and one piece of wood. Brilliant - both the arrangement and the painting. |
Way back Sally L made a list of unfinished paintings to return to and finish (in lockdown?) This is her Daredevil Sheep, or Lumpy Lambs, ticked off her list. I wonder how many more she has to go. For me it’s called Daredevil Sheep, since they're standing so close to the edge where the broken fence is. |
A lot more people than last week, at least 12, though Harriet had trouble with her internet again, and left early. Nice to see Jo again after so many months, and she had obviously been busy, despite her protestations! She told us about Japanese water marbling, Suminagashi, which it was agreed might make an activity one winter morning, when we are meeting again. Conversation about how daunting Jo was finding the idea of using her new kiln led to more general discussion of the feeling everyone seems to have about using new materials or paper, and not wanting to 'spoil' them.
Angela is continuing to use the course she has been doing when looking at landscape. Frances has been working on small canvases with seasonal subjects, and using Yupo paper for loose work with watercolour and pastel. Jackie showed her needle felt hare, which was at quite a large scale (see below), as well as a watercolour bluebell wood. Avril has been busy with textile and ceramics.
There was also the suggestion of a BBC2 programme about artist Jim Morrison (link - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000tsfv/eye-of-the-storm), which is available until the end of the month on the iPlayer. This was much praised by those who had seen it.

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